- Terms of Use - thecountrycode.com
While visiting thecountrycode.com, it goes without saying that you accept the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy of our Website. Please read carefully the following terms and navigate through thecountrycode.com, only if you fully accept them. The materials contained in thecountrycode.com are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law. The thecountrycode.com reserves the right to make modifications, improvements or additions to the site and also change the terms of use without prior notice
Limitation of Liability
The data presented in thecountrycode.com are gathered from a large number of web sites which freely and publicly provide the information. We make every effort to ensure that the information and the entire content are governed by the maximum accuracy, clarity, completeness and availability. We do not guarantee the above characteristics nor we are responsible for them. In no circumstances, including negligence, shall thecountrycode.com be responsible for any damage, loss of data or profit loss that may be caused, directly or indirectly, to the user as a result of the use of our website. The information and services are provided without any guarantee of correctness. We also make no warranty that the site will function correctly from a user perspective or with any browser. Thecountrycode.com in no way guarantees uninterrupted or error-free provision of services and content, or even the lack of "viruses", whether it is the web site itself or any other web site or server through which the user can receive its contents. If you encounter any difficulties using our web site please contact us (using the Contact us page) and tell us about the problem.
User's Liabilities
Anyone who uses the thecountrycode.com website, should comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications. The users should refrain from any illegal or improper use of the content and services provided and behave discreetly during the use of our website. We expressly prohibit the adoption of practices of unfair competition, or any other practices contrary to Internet Etiquette. The user is solely responsible for the proper use of the services on our site. Any damage caused to our Web site, resulting from poor or improper use of the services, goes back to the user's sole responsibility.
Third party Content
Thecountrycode.com uses links to third parties (i.e. links that point to another website outside thecountrycode.com). Thecountrycode.com is not responsible for the content of such third party sites and can not vouch for any changes that may be made to them without our knowledge. The use of these sites is in the responsibility of the user. Therefore, any problem that may arise during your visit to these sites, should be directed to the respective web sites, which bear full responsibility for the provision of their services.
Use License
Thecountrycode.com grants a provisional license to users in order to view on their computer, to copy or download any information displayed on our site, for which we do not seek financial compensation. This temporary license is given only for personal non-commercial purposes, assuming that the users will not make any changes or delete content, or delete the copyright or other features that identify the thecountrycode.com. Users are prohibited to transfer the contents to another person or to another server for any reason, commercial or not. In case you violate any of these restrictions, the temporary license provided by thecountrycode.com, will automatically be cancelled and you will have to delete all the content copied to any shared location.
All the material provided in thecountrycode.com, is protected by copyright which belongs to thecountrycode.com or third parties who have provided thecountrycode.com with the necessary licence for their material. This includes (but is not limited to) text, presentations, content, graphics, photos, videos as also the template in which the data is displayed. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute any portion of the material found on our site, without the prior written consent of thecountrycode.com, otherwise it constitutes theft of intellectual property (violation of the copyrights). We have no claim against third parties for content that is not Original in our site.
Applicable Law and Other Terms
The Terms of Use that govern the thecountrycode.com web site (listed above), plus any amendments thereto, are governed and supplemented by the Greek law, European Union law and international treaties. Any provision of these terms is contrary to the law, automatically ceases to have effect and is removed from the present, without in any way affecting the validity of the remaining terms. The Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the thecountrycode.com and the users entering thecountrycode.com and binds only them. No modification of these terms should be taken into account and be a part of this agreement, unless it is expressed in writing and is incorporated in it.